
Spare Parts
date: 2017-09-07 17:39:345  The author:  Click on:2573

We, ORITCRANES S&M Team (Service & Maintenance), with engineering experience, maintenance skill and crane know-how,are daily taking care of your each crane, which was made by either ORITCRANES or any others.


Our service engineers, who were well trained by Orit College, are 24 hours available for on call.


Fastest Action, High Standard


S&M scope

GIT ( General Inspection & Testing)

Scheduled Service


Spare Parts

24 Hours on call


Spare Parts

Quality settlement of claims, the sales of wear parts and spare parts are all included in our spare parts business.Our headquarters have spare parts center, and frequently-used spare parts are ready in our service network. Parts storage in cooperation partner will ensure quickly delivery.

Service & Support
联系我们: 绍兴县| 吴江市| 三河市| 惠东县| 精河县| 湖南省| 新安县| 泸定县| 社会| 大厂| 万山特区| 峨眉山市| 新源县| 平塘县| 兴安县| 盐池县| 威海市| 海晏县| 桑植县| 东兴市| 南溪县| 美姑县| 电白县| 南华县| 会昌县| 保山市| 合水县| 阿图什市| 安丘市| 江安县| 淅川县| 育儿| 吴江市| 淳化县| 永平县| 岗巴县| 新宁县| 翁牛特旗| 道真| 建水县| 巩义市|