
General Inspection & Testing
date: 2017-09-07 17:38:005  The author:  Click on:2494

We, ORITCRANES S&M Team (Service & Maintenance), with engineering experience, maintenance skill and crane know-how,are daily taking care of your each crane, which was made by either ORITCRANES or any others.


Our service engineers, who were well trained by Orit College, are 24 hours available for on call.


Fastest action, High Standard


S&M scope

GIT ( General Inspection & Testing)

Scheduled Service


Spare Parts

24 Hours on call


GIT (General Inspection & Testing)


We dispatch service engineer to site for preventative maintenance visit including normal inspection and testing, free for warranty period.


Scope of serve:


Check status of limit switch, horn, buffer


Inspect the rope for any signs of excessive wear such as kinking, crushing, cutting, bird-caging, corrosion, reducing diameter or any other unusual wear.


Check the rope for proper reeving, lubrication, and end connections


Visually inspect the load block and hook for excessive wear such as pending, twisting, cracks, grooves, or increased throat opening


Inspection external parts of the hoist, trolley frameworks, catwalks, handrails etc., for broken parts ,mis-alignments, broken welds, excessive wear, or any unusual conditions


Inspect the sheaves, drums, wheels, and bearings


Check entire unit for smoothness of operations and proper pendant identifications


Open control boxes and check all contactor s, relays, timers, etc., for proper operation, loose/broken connections, pitting


Inspect external motors, couplings and wiring for wear and deterioration. Check motor stators and windings for proper operations and wear


Check load brakes for excessive drift, unsafe lowing speed, out of adjustment, functional operation, improper lubricant used, lubricant condition, oil level


Inspect all equipment oil/lubricate levels and report any excessive leakage


Visually inspect all supports runways for general condition and properly installed safety equipment such as end stops, rail bolts/clips, anti-collision devices, etc.


Inspect main power supply system for collector shoe conditions, festoon conditions, etc., for signs of arcing or wear


In case we find any faulty parts and or safety discrepancies, our technician will immediately report to customer and bring them to the attention with our corrective solution.

Service & Support
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