
Oritcranes won the China‘s industrial famous brand products awards
date: 2017-09-26 17:12:455  The author:  Click on:3696

Oritcranes won the China‘s industrial famous brand products awards

The conference of National Machinery Industry quality improvement was hold by China Machinery Industry Federation and China Machinery Industry famous brand promotion committee in Beijing in September 26, 2017. In the conference, Oritcranes won the “China‘s industrial famous brand products” awards.

Whether during the period of prosperous or depressed market, whether high standard or non-clear demand by our customers, whether normal or special lifting, oritcranes always insist on improving the quality of products continually. Our will is to be the world leading cranes. Belief is our corporate culture, and we stick to the principle of professional service first. We hold the faith of building a brand depending on the perfect quality. 

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