
Team Activities
date: 2017-09-30 10:00:005  The author:  Click on:2408

The best employees are the important resources of enterprise developing and competition, and also are the important parts of judging the competitiveness of enterprises, and moreover are the important strategic resources for the development of an enterprise. By setting up Orit academy, our aim is to train men for profession. We have the courses of professional training skills, such as Welding, assembling; studying of advanced cranes technology, training of non-destructive testing, studying of ISO9001 management, domestic learning and international communication, so that Orit academy has been the solid foundation of Orit cranes development and has become the cranes elite's cradle. 



联系我们: 沙坪坝区| 镶黄旗| 林口县| 贵定县| 囊谦县| 奇台县| 西充县| 五指山市| 梓潼县| 札达县| 桐梓县| 九台市| 鄂尔多斯市| 嘉定区| 开平市| 平凉市| 镇远县| 双柏县| 安国市| 贵德县| 偏关县| 清涧县| 桐乡市| 个旧市| 巴彦淖尔市| 读书| 民丰县| 额敏县| 罗平县| 屯门区| 中牟县| 韶关市| 天门市| 贵州省| 岐山县| 盘山县| 淮阳县| 淳安县| 上虞市| 赣州市| 航空|
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